230 Records

David Hockney

Chris Stephens and Andrew Wilson, 2017, Tate

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-84976-495-7

David Hockney

Didier Ottinger, 2017, Centre Georges Pompidou

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-2-84426-779-5

David Hockney (Softbound Edition)

2017, Tate

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-84976-443-8

David Hockney L'Exposition / The Exhibition

2017, Centre Georges Pompidou

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-2-84426-780-1

David Hockney: The Complete Early Etchings 1961–1964

2017, Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert
London: Lyndsey Ingram

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Yosemite Suite

2017, Galerie Lelong

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-2-86882-130-0

Meet the Artist David Hockney, An Art Activity Book

Rose Blake, 2017
London: Tate Publishing

  • Booklet
  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-84976-446-9

A Bigger Message: Conversations with David Hockney

Martin Gayford, 2016
London: Thames & Hudson

  • Book
ISBN: 978-0-500-29225-9

A History of Pictures

David Hockney and Martin Gayford, 2016
New York: Abrams

  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-4197-2275-2

David Hockney Prints

2016, Tokyo Shimbun Cultural Affairs Department

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: 82 Portraits and 1 Still-Life

2016, Royal Academy of Arts

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-910350-26-7

David Hockney–A Bigger Book: Chronology

David Hockney, 2016, Taschen
Köln: Taschen

  • Book
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0787-5

David Hockney

Chris Stephens and Andrew Wilson, 2017, Tate

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-84976-495-7

David Hockney

Didier Ottinger, 2017, Centre Georges Pompidou

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-2-84426-779-5

David Hockney (Softbound Edition)

2017, Tate

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-84976-443-8

David Hockney L'Exposition / The Exhibition

2017, Centre Georges Pompidou

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-2-84426-780-1

David Hockney: The Complete Early Etchings 1961–1964

2017, Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert
London: Lyndsey Ingram

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Yosemite Suite

2017, Galerie Lelong

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-2-86882-130-0

Meet the Artist David Hockney, An Art Activity Book

Rose Blake, 2017
London: Tate Publishing

  • Booklet
  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-84976-446-9

A Bigger Message: Conversations with David Hockney

Martin Gayford, 2016
London: Thames & Hudson

  • Book
ISBN: 978-0-500-29225-9

A History of Pictures

David Hockney and Martin Gayford, 2016
New York: Abrams

  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-4197-2275-2

David Hockney Prints

2016, Tokyo Shimbun Cultural Affairs Department

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: 82 Portraits and 1 Still-Life

2016, Royal Academy of Arts

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-910350-26-7

David Hockney–A Bigger Book: Chronology

David Hockney, 2016, Taschen
Köln: Taschen

  • Book
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0787-5
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