230 Records

David Hockney: Current

2016, National Gallery of Victoria
Melbourne, Australia

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Yosemite Suite

2016, Pace Gallery
New York

  • Booklet
  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-935410-82-9

David Hockney A Bigger Book Sumo

2016, Taschen

  • Book

David Hockney: Early Drawings

2015, Offer Waterman & Co., Paul Kasmin Gallery
London and New York

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: Painting and Photography

David Hockney, 2015, Annely Juda Fine Art, L.A. Louver

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring

2014, Pace Gallery
New York

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: Some New Painting (And Photography)

2014, Pace Gallery
New York

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring

2014, Annely Juda Fine Art

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-904621-59-7

Hockney Printmaker

Richard Lloyd, 2014
London: Scala Arts & Heritage

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-85759-893-3

Hockney: The Biography—Volume 2, 1975-2012

Christopher Sykes, 2014
London: Century (Random House)

  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-78-089007-4

David Hockney: A Bigger Exhibition

2013, de Young Museum
San Francisco: DelMonico, Prestel, and Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-3-7913-6509-1

A Yorkshire Sketchbook

David Hockney, 2012
London: Royal Academy of Arts

  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-907533-23-5

David Hockney: Current

2016, National Gallery of Victoria
Melbourne, Australia

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Yosemite Suite

2016, Pace Gallery
New York

  • Booklet
  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-935410-82-9

David Hockney A Bigger Book Sumo

2016, Taschen

  • Book

David Hockney: Early Drawings

2015, Offer Waterman & Co., Paul Kasmin Gallery
London and New York

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: Painting and Photography

David Hockney, 2015, Annely Juda Fine Art, L.A. Louver

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring

2014, Pace Gallery
New York

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: Some New Painting (And Photography)

2014, Pace Gallery
New York

  • Catalogue

David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring

2014, Annely Juda Fine Art

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-904621-59-7

Hockney Printmaker

Richard Lloyd, 2014
London: Scala Arts & Heritage

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-85759-893-3

Hockney: The Biography—Volume 2, 1975-2012

Christopher Sykes, 2014
London: Century (Random House)

  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-78-089007-4

David Hockney: A Bigger Exhibition

2013, de Young Museum
San Francisco: DelMonico, Prestel, and Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

  • Catalogue
ISBN: 978-3-7913-6509-1

A Yorkshire Sketchbook

David Hockney, 2012
London: Royal Academy of Arts

  • Book
ISBN: 978-1-907533-23-5
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